Coach Matt was born and raised in the city of Chicago. As far as he can remember health and fitness has been a big part of his life. A true ‘gym rat’ Coach has always been around a gym. As early as 3 years old, he recalls watching his mother instruct group fitness classes at Women’s Work Out World. Throughout his childhood he played year-round sports and developed into a great athlete. At 16 years old, he lost his father to Cancer and at 18, he experienced a career ending lower back injury. These were some of the more pivotal moments in his life where his passion for health and fitness were solidified and his quest to inspire others was born. Coach began his career in the fitness industry in 2012. He quickly made a name for himself becoming a master trainer and eventually overseeing group training departments of several big box gyms where he led the #1 department nationwide. After getting into Fitness Modeling, coach left the fitness industry briefly and worked in the beauty industry in 2015 in South Florida. In 2016 he moved back to Chicago to start his own business. He opened his first gym in 2016 and in 2018 Coach Matt went on to found MHSC LLC and the rest is history. 

Matt’s approach to training has always been ‘K.I.S.S’; keep it simple, stupid. Each person is unique, and no one size fits all. He understands firsthand that there is a huge psychological factor in achieving any goal in life especially with our health and fitness. Coach set out to provide a gym environment where everyone can feel comfortable and inspired. Through his gift of an injury, he strives to educate the importance of proper form while achieving your fitness goals. He has extensive experience with virtually all ages, disabilities and fitness levels. He wakes up every day to leave a positive impact; to challenge the way we think, the way we move, the way we live. Be sure to try one of his classes at MHSC where he has 600+ 5-star reviews!



Coach Will was born and raised here in the northwest suburbs of Chicago.  He has been a certified Personal Trainer through NESTA and NASM since 2009, earned a Bachelors Degree in Physical Therapy from Northern Illinois University in 2014, and has been working with Coach Matt at MHSC since it opened in 2018.  He remembers playing sports ever since he could walk and started in travel league soccer, baseball, and cross country.  During high school a shoulder injury would change his childhood ambitions of becoming an engineer to pursue physical therapy.  The process of coming back stronger from an injury with the help of his therapists and coaches inspired the passion for health and fitness that he brings to the gym everyday.

While working as a trainer and in physical therapy, Coach Will noticed that bad form and lifestyle habits were the main cause of injury and not accidents.  Since then he has focused on specializing in training clients for injury prevention, weight-loss, strength, and conditioning.  Coach Will believes that hard work spent on yourself in the gym translates to a hardworking person outside the gym in your career and relationships.

  In addition to 1 on 1 personal training and adult group training, he and Coach Matt lead youth group strength and conditioning classes. Also check out where he has fresh juice cleanses available for delivery or pickup.



Coach Andrew grew up in Bethel, Connecticut until he left his hometown in 2008 to serve in the United States Navy as a Master at Arms Petty Officer Third Class. His passion for health and fitness originated while stationed in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Andrew took the responsibility of helping prepare his fellow sailors as his department’s physical training officer. In 2012 he received an honorable discharge and moved to the Chicagoland area. After arriving he joined a CrossFit gym in the North Shore area and became a certified trainer in 2014 and started working with group classes and personal training. He graduated from Loyola University in 2018 with a degree in psychology.

Andrew’s approach to training has always revolved around the idea of there is no perfect one size fit all. Each person has their own unique biomechanics and individual anatomy and physiology. He understands that everyone has their own method of movement to get the job done safely as they crush their goals. His expansive toolbox of knowledge comes from working and learning from numerous medical professionals from in the area and around the country. Be sure to try out his new Kinstretch (mobility class) and book a joint mobility improvement session with him! He is joyous and grateful to be the newest addition to the strong and motivated MHSC community.



Coach Kellie has been a baseball and softball hitting and fielding instructor for over ten years. As a native of San Diego, Kellie was a two time All American and defensive player of the year during her collegiate career at Arizona. As a former member of the USA National Team she played in the Pan American games receiving a Silver Metal and was 2015 USA player of the year. Recently she was inducted into the Mt. Carmel High School Hall of Fame. With a .394 career average and defensive accolades, Kellie has the experience and knowledge that she shares through individual and group lessons. Her degree in Child development and experience as a Child Life Specialist helps her to understand and meet kids where they are developmentally in order to help them grow and strive to the be the best athletes they can be.

Through out her years of coaching she has had many clients continue on to play in college. She has coached all around the country including through the MLB RBI program, high school, and travel ball organizations. Kellie creates a positive environment for youth to grow and develop not only as athletes but as individuals as well. She focuses on the correct fundamentals of the game physical and mentally. Kellie is extremely involved in the Park Ridge community along side her husband Mark, son Daniel, and a new baby on the way.